“Moving Materials: Architecture, Extraction and Railway Infrastructure in South Africa” is a research project that examines the material flows of the colonial project of extraction, and is funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO) NWA research into collections with a colonial context.
Together with collaborators Dr. Alejandro Campos Uribe (TU Delft) and Dr. Dirk van den Heuvel (Nieuwe Instituut), we investigate the legacy of railway infrastructures and train stations in South Africa connected to De Nederlandsche Zuid-Afrikaansche Spoorweg Maatschappy as strategic elements of spatial division and resource extraction in the colonial city, while considering the absences, erasures and assertions produced by colonial archives.
Main applicant: Meghan Ho-Tong, University of Cape Town
Co-applicant: Dr. Alejandro Campos Uribe, TU Delft
Co-operation partner: Dr. Dirk van den Heuvel, Nieuwe Instituut
Funded by: Dutch Research Council (NWO)
NWA research into collections with a colonial context
NWA research into collections with a colonial context
Total funding: 34.980€
Year: 2024-2025